Introducing a special course on ChatGPT, exclusively for Water Resources Engineers and Environmental Engineers.

Alternatively, all Youtube Members can also get access to this course for free. Become a member now.

Learn More about the Course:

Why should you learn ChatGPT?

People say that AI will take your job away. But i think it is half truth, because AI will not take your job, but a person who knows AI better than you will definitely take your job.

Therefore, doesn't matter in which field you are, AI is the reality which you cant escape.

Further, in fields such as Water , Environment  all your existing works can be upgraded and can be done very fast if you know how to do it and free apps such as ChatGPT, Bing AI, Google Bard can make this happen today.

The only thing that can stop you from growing is you yourself by not understanding the need of technology or thinking that it is not going to affect you.

So now that you have known  how powerful learning AI tools can be, you must opt for this course.

Lets learn briefly about this course and what it includes.

Course Video Series Overview:

Module 1: Introduction to ChatGPT in Engineering (Videos 1-5)

L1 |  Introduction 
- Overview of how ChatGPT can revolutionize engineering practices.

L2 | What is Artificial Intelligence
- Deep dive into AI concepts relevant to water resources and environmental engineering.

L3 | What are ChatBots
- Understanding chatbots and their applications in engineering workflows.

L4 | What are Large Language Models?
- Exploring the capabilities of large language models and their significance in engineering.

L5 | First Hands on ChatGPT 
- Practical session demonstrating the first steps in using ChatGPT for engineering tasks.

Module 2: Enhancing Productivity with ChatGPT (Videos 6-8)

L6 | Making Presentations Using ChatGPT Automatically
- Automating presentation creation with ChatGPT.

L7 | Automating Excel Design Calculations 
- Streamlining design calculations using ChatGPT for Excel automation.

L8 | Putting Formulas in Excel to Design 
- Advanced techniques for formula integration in Excel for design purposes.

Module 3: Career Development Strategies (Videos 9-11)

L9 | Getting Jobs in Civil, Water, and Environment
 - Tips on leveraging AI skills to secure positions in engineering fields.

L10 | More Tricks to Get a Job
 - Additional strategies and insights for career advancement.

L11 | Making a CV for your Job Using ChatGPT
  - Crafting a standout CV with the assistance of ChatGPT.

Module 4: Expert-Level Techniques (Videos 12-18)

L12 | Reviewing Forgotten Concepts
  - Revisiting essential engineering concepts with ChatGPT assistance.

L13 | Best Tricks to Ace Interviews
  - Interview preparation strategies using AI-powered tips.

L14 | Increasing your Social Reach
 - Utilizing social media for professional networking and exposure.

L15 | Getting Rainfall Data, Modeling & Analyzing
 - Advanced techniques for rainfall data analysis using AI.

L16 | Reading Research Papers within Minutes
- Speed-reading and summarizing research papers with ChatGPT.

L17 | Retrieving Design Codes
- Efficiently accessing and applying relevant design codes with AI assistance.

L18 | Reading & Summarizing any Article using Bing AI Automatically
 - Leveraging Bing AI for automatic article summarization in engineering contexts.

Alternatively, all Youtube Members can also get access to this course for free. Become a member now.

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